Twitch has been the leading video platform for broadcasting gameplay and it has also attracted a new type of audience who would prefer to watch the gameplay instead of actually playing the game. This is what Bluestacks CEO Rosen Sharma had to say. “This was a natural combination, Bluestacks has mobile equivalents of the most popular games on the Twitch platform, midcore RPG titles especially. It used to be hard to stream a mobile game. It involved multiple devices: a tablet, a webcam and wires. We’ve cut all of that out, from a PC it’s easy to stream. It’s why Twitch has become so popular so fast. Bluestacks users are already playing mobile games like Hearthstone, Castle Clash, Vainglory and others. We just built a bridge between our platforms. This combines the power of two huge user basis.” The game content consumption has been growing exponentially leaving us with YouTube stars like PewDiePie. Gamers have been lately consuming a lot of video content across different genres including announcements, Gameplay demo, walkthroughs and also third party reviews. Apart from console gaming and also PC gaming, Mobile gaming is something that has found an increasing amount of traction amoungst users. Twitch integration with Bluestacks is certain to bring about a spike in number of broadcaster for mobile gameplays, something that Twitch needs desperately.

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