
Remembering that you are going to die Is the best way… To avoid the trap of thinking That you have something to lose You are already naked There is no reason Not to follow your heart.


You cannot connect the dots Looking forward You can only connect them Looking backwards So you have to trust That the dots will somehow connect In your future You have to trust in something Your gut Destiny Life Karma Whatever…


Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something They feel a little guilty Because they didn’t really do it They just saw something It seemed obvious to them after a while.


The only way to do great work Is to love what you do If you haven’t found it yet Keep looking. Don’t settle As with all matters of the heart You will know When you find it


I am as proud Of the many of the things That we haven’t done As (I am of) The things we have done. Innovation is saying “no” To a thousand things.

What matters…to me

Being the richest man In the cemetry Does not matter To me. Going to bed every night… Saying we have done Something wonderful That’s what matters To me.

If today were the last day

For the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning And asked myself “If today were The last day of my life, Would I want to do What I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer Has been “no” For too many days in a row I know I need to change Something.


When you grow up You tend to get told That the world is the way it is And your life Is just to live Inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls Too much. Try to have a nice family, Have fun, Save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader Once you discover One simple fact: Everything around you That you call life Was made up by people That were no smarter Than you. And you can change it, You can influence it, You can build your things That other people Can use.


I was worth About over a million dollars When I was twenty three. Over ten million dollars When I was twenty four Over a hundred million dollars When I was twenty five. It wasn’t that important I never did it For the money.

The Bargain

I would trade All my technology For an afternoon With Socrates.


People think: It’s this veneer. That designers are handed This box and told “Make it look good!” That’s not what we think Design is. It is not just What it looks like And feels like. Design is How it works.

System, Innovation

The system Is that there’s no system… We have great processes But that’s not what it’s about Innovation comes from people meeting Up in the hallways Or calling each other At 10:30 in the night With a new idea. Or because they have realised Something that shoots holes In how we have been thinking… It’s ad hoc meetings Of six people Called by someone Who thinks he has figured out The coolest new thing ever And who wants to know What other people think Of his idea.

The Voice Inside

Your time is limited So don’t waste it Living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped By Dogma… Don’t let the noise Of other people’s opinions Drown out Your own inner voice. And most important, Have the courage To follow Your heart And intuition. They somehow already know What you truly want To become. Everything else Is secondary.


If you want it You can fly. You just have To trust You A lot.


I want to put A ding In the Universe.


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

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