The Apple Pencil will be sold as an accessory priced at Rs 8,600 and the new Apple Smart Keyboard retails at a rather pricy Rs 14,900. The iPad Pro will retail in three variants, the 32GB with Wi-Fi will sell at Rs 67,900, the 128GB with Wi-Fi retails at Rs 79,900 and the top of the line 128GB Wi-Fi plus cellular variant will retail at Rs 91,000. Apple iPad Pro is powered by the A9X Chip and the M9 co-processor combo, this hybrid of a tablet promises to become a full-fledged computing machine. The other features of the iPad Pro include Touch ID, 10-hours of battery life, built in lightning connector and rapid charging, 12.9-inch LED Retina display set at a resolution of 2732 x 2048 pixels. The iPad Pro runs the iOS 9 and it boasts of a feature where in users can use two applications simultaneously on multiple screen. When launched, iPad Pro impressed us with the promise of taking the hybrid computing to the next level which the Microsoft Surface devices were already trying to do. The iPad Pro however was stoned by a series of initial niggles primary among which was the app problem. The 12.9-screen means that developers have to port their applications to suit the iPad Pro and this can be a detterent ultimately prompting the developers stray away from the iPad Pro. Some of the users reportedly also had issues with the other generic apps like Twitter when it comes to being scaled in the landscape mode. Apple will sort out these issues eventually but the question is whether you want to buy a tablet that costs almost as much as the latest MacBook Pro and yet limit yourself with the functionalities. The Pro strives hard to become the ultimate computing hybrid but as of now it seems the Cupertino folks are far from what we would call a success.

Apple iPad Pro Price in India starts from Rs 67 900   Apple Pencil and the Smart keyboard will cost Rs 8 600 and Rs 14 900 Respectively - 97